SGD 48.00
SGD 60.00
Ukon Activate Tea (Autumn Turmeric) (分解茶(秋薑黃))
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SGD 48.00
SGD 60.00you save SGD 12.00
Reducing fatigue and relieving greasy feeling
To solve your problems of "excessive drinking " and "overeating of greasy food", and naturally reduce the body burden. It is not easy for the working class to avoid occasional overeating and overdrinking, which cause physical burden to the body. UKON Activate Tea is made with Okinawa autumn turmeric, ginger, and paprika to increase metabolic and body heat. In addition, it is added Inulin for better effect.
- "Okinawa autumn turmeric": contains the highest content of curcumin, processed with exclusive technology to remove the bitter and spicy taste, and retain the best effective factors, which can help stimulate the circulation, and naturally resolve the issue caused by excessive drinking.
- "Inulin ": enhances bowel movement, rejuvenate metabolism, promotes digestive health, and resolves the issue of "over-eating".
- Made with a variety of tea leaves to create natural tea fragrance; manufactured with an aseptic cold filling process to preserve the smooth, mellow taste.
- Guarantee no preservatives, artificial colors, or chemical food flavorings are added.
- With HACCP and ISO22000, two international food safety certifications.
Nutri-Grade: A
Package: 590 ml x 24 bottles
減疲勞 解油膩
解決您「喝太多」及「吃太油」的困擾,自然分解身體負擔 上班族吃吃喝喝免不了,常會因為前一天的過量飲食感到身體負擔增加。愛之味薑黃分解茶使用沖繩產秋薑黃、生薑及辛子,提升代謝熱力,再添加菊苣纖維,讓您分解有感覺。
- 「沖繩秋薑黃」:選用薑黃中薑黃素含量最高的秋薑黃,以獨家秋薑黃製程,去除苦味及辛辣 味,保留最棒的有效因子,加速循環,自然分解「喝太多」的身體負擔。
- 「菊苣纖維」:幫助排便、代謝順暢,達到腸胃道改善功效,分解「吃太多」的煩惱。
- 混合多種茶葉,茶香自然;無菌冷充填製程,口感圓潤不苦澀。
- 保證不加防腐劑、不加人工色素、不加化學香料。
- 榮獲HACCP及ISO22000雙國際級食品安全認證。
包裝: 590 毫升 x 24 瓶