SGD 12.00
SGD 18.60
Pickled Melon in Sauce (蔭瓜) 140 g x 6 Bottle
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SGD 12.00
SGD 18.60you save SGD 6.60
Use traditional bean yeast to make the melon matured and create mellow taste. When seasoning with long-stewed soy sauce, the great taste is unmatched. It is good to use as a seasoning with meats for stews and braising.
Package: 140 g x 6 Bottle
以傳統豆麴蔭製瓜胚,瓜胚熟爛且風味甘醇。 以長時間熬煮之醬油調味,風味更佳無人可比。 可與肉類調味燉滷。
包裝: 140 克 x 6 瓶